As the battle raged on, the strike reached the Sith Temple using the secret routes known by Cade and Shado. Rogue Squadron and Skull Squadron went to the surface for their own bombing run while the Jedi Twin Suns Squadron stayed in space. The allied fleet entered the system and engaged with Sith Annihilator-class starfighters. The team disabled the planetary defenses so that the strike force could penetrate Coruscant's atmosphere. It consisted of Skywalker, Deliah Blue, Jariah Syn, Wolf Sazen, Shado Vao, Rasi Tuum, Skywalker's mother, and former Director of Imperial Intelligence Morrigan Corde, and the Imperial Knights Azlyn Rae, Sigel Dare, and Ganner Krieg. A mixed strike team was ferried to Coruscant on Cade Skywalker's Helot-class medium space transport Mynock. Fel then convinced the allied groups to attack Coruscant before the Sith could recover. " Their leaders were fools to attack so soon after their defeat on Taivas." ― Morlish Veed įollowing the defeat at Taivas and their encounter with Darth Krayt's elite Sith troopers, Roan Fel decided to take up Darth Maladi's offer to produce the deadly Omega Red and deploy it on Coruscant, the capital of the Sith Empire.